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Understanding Car Accident Laws

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    Car Accident Lawyer

    You need to understand the variety of laws that are going to apply in the case of a car accident, and while not every law is going to apply, these laws to determine how insurance claims are handled and what damages are available and when your lawsuit has filed by. If you have any questions, speak to a car accident lawyer such as the ones available at The Morales Law Firm.

    Many state laws focus on car insurance, requiring vehicle owners to have a minimum insurance requirement met before they can drive, and this means that the states insurance code requires all vehicles are covered with a minimum of 15/30/5 insurance, which means that there are will pay out a maximum damage on 15,000 for the injury or death of one person, and $30,000 for injury or death to more than one person, or $5000 for property damage.

    You must have proof of insurance readily available in case you are involved in a car accident and it must show the proof of insurance and involved in a car accident when law enforcement requests to see it or in renewing or obtaining a vehicle registration.

    For example, California law has a clause for insurance companies to offer UIM coverage in case of bodily injury and underinsured motorist coverage, because these types of insurance cover injuries and property damage  for motorists who did not have insurance or did not have sufficient insurance.

    Underinsured insurance coverage to make up the difference between the amount of the underinsured driver’s insurance covered in your actual damages however if you decline these types of insurance you have to do so in writing.

    A car accident lawyer can help you understand insurance laws if you’re in an accident. The insurance mentioned above is actually the minimum the state requires but you can purchase additional insurance, and that might be a good idea because some states have a tort based insurance system which means if you cause an accident the injured party will and can file a lawsuit against you and seek compensation.

    Supplemental insurance comes in forms of increased liability insurance, medical payments coverage insurance, comprehensive coverage, collision coverage, coverage and more. If you are concerned after being in an accident you should talk to a car accident lawyer and have them help you find out if the person that caused your accident had supplemental accident insurance I can help cover your cost.

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