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Common Causes of Car Accidents 

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    Car Accident LawyerCar Accident Lawyer

    There are many different circumstances that can contribute to car wrecks, no matter where you are. Things like harsh weather conditions and wet or icy roads are common reasons that car accidents happen. However, the vast majority of automobile accidents are preventable because they are caused by someone else’s negligence in one form or another.

    Because there are so many car accidents that are preventable, there are some reasons to look out for while you are either driving or just on the road. There are also some helpful tips to remember while driving to keep you and everyone on the road safe.

    Top Reasons for Car Accidents 

    Here are some of the most common causes of car accidents: 

    • Distracted driving. Things like texting or talking on your phone are among the most widespread distractions that can happen while driving. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) estimates that 660,000 vehicles are being operated by drivers who are using handheld devices like cell phones. When your attention isn’t on the road, your reaction time is slowed and you’re more likely to cause an accident.
    • Drunk driving. In recent years, more than 10,000 people were killed in alcohol-related motor vehicle accidents. These stats accounted for 31% of all traffic fatalities in the US that year. When you get behind the wheel after drinking, you’re not only a danger to yourself but to others, as your reaction time is slower in your cognitive function is impaired.
    • Driver fatigue. Something that you may not be aware of is that it is extremely dangerous to drive while drowsy because you risk falling asleep at the wheel. The NHTSA attributes 1000 vehicle crashes that result in fatalities a year to drowsy driving. The most common people that are affected by driver fatigue are truck drivers.
    • Aggressive driving. If someone is speeding, tailgating, frequently and unnecessarily lane changing, or running red lights, it is known as aggressive driving. Aggressive driving can ask late to road rage and that can quickly and in the car crash.
    • Reckless driving. Like aggressive driving, people who are recklessly driving are more likely to get into a car accident than drivers who were driving safely. Dangerous driving, such as driving up over 25 mph over the speed limit or passing unsafe zones, can cause accidents and rest lives.
    • Speeding. Speeding contributes to about 30% of all fatal accidents. Over 10,000 people are killed each year and speed-related crashes. When you’re going over the speed limit, your reaction time to needing to stop is drastically lowered and you are less likely to prevent an accident.

    If you or someone you love has been in a car accident, then contacting a car accident lawyer like our friends at Saavedra Law Firm, PLC is often a good step in learning about what compensation you can get.

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