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Hit & Run Accidents

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    Hit And Run Lawyer Washington DC


    Hit And Run Lawyer Washington DCCohen & Cohen offers service from some of the most experienced, knowledgeable and dedicated hit and run attorneys in DC, Maryland and Virginia. Whether you are in your car, riding a bike, or on foot, being struck by an unknown vehicle can have a long lasting and painful impact on your life. In all 50 states and the District of Columbia, leaving the scene of an accident without offering aid or identifying oneself is a serious crime known as a hit-and-run. Punishment for this egregious act may include heavy fines, license suspension/revocation and even jail time. However, the consequences for the innocent injured parties can be far worse, or even fatal. A person’s decision to stay at the accident scene may be the difference between life and death. If you or a loved one has been the victim of a hit-and-run, you would be wise to speak to a hit-and-run attorney in DC as soon as possible, to fully understand your legal options.


    Arm Yourself with a Hit and Run Lawyer in Washington DC

    Depending on where you are located– DC, MD, or VA– if the at-fault driver cannot be located, your insurance provider may offer some form of coverage for the damage and injury you endure. However, this coverage is rarely adequate in amount and may not cover the less measurable losses like “pain and suffering.” Insurance companies are known for withholding as much money as possible from accident victims. For this reason, it is important to arm yourself with a trustworthy and respected hit-and-run attorney in Washington, DC, Maryland, or Virginia.


    Our DC Hit & Run Lawyers are here to Listen

    Hit-and-run laws very from state to state, but it is always best to be mindful of statutes of limitations when deciding on an avenue to pursue. For this reason, we cannot over-emphasize the importance of seeking legal counsel so you may choose an appropriate course of action and move swiftly. Our Washington DC hit-and-run attorneys are here to listen and help you make an informed decision. Under any district or state regulations, your chances for obtaining adequate compensation will increase dramatically if the at-fault party is brought to justice and his/her insurer can pay the damages. Unfortunately, many police forces do not have the manpower or other resources to ensure that this happens. It is therefore best to enlist the services of a personal injury lawyer, someone who will pay close attention and take an active role in your case.


    Contact our Hit & Run Lawyers in DC Today

    A car accident can be a frightening, confusing, and life-shattering experience. The hit-and-run attorneys at Cohen & Cohen can walk you through the complexities of your case and bring some peace-of-mind during this complex time. For a free case evaluation, contact the law office of Cohen & Cohen today.


    Hit and Run Lawyer Washington DC
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    * Cohen & Cohen does not maintain a full-time office in Maryland or Virginia, but we do meet clients there upon request.



