In order to properly prepare yourself in the event of a car accident, there are some things you can do to take positive action. Personal insurance is not a type of coverage people always think about, but is key to being fully protected in case a devastating accident were to happen to you or your loved ones.
Car accidents are so common, and is one of the highest causes related to personal injury cases. We have listed ways you can protect yourself if a car accident were to happen to you.
5 Ways to Be Ready in the Event of a Car Accident
#1 – Make a Cheat Sheet
A car collision can leave both parties feeling shaken up and in a state of panic. Obtaining important information like driver’s name, telephone number, insurance company and license plate number may seem like second nature. However, in the moment of stress and possible pain, you may easily forget to gather some important information. Write down what to ask of the other driver, and leave this list in the glove box of your car, so you can quickly refer to it.
#2 – Keep Your Cellphone With You
Your phone can be utilized as a quick way to take photographs of the scene, license place, car and perhaps even the driver. Do not make it too obvious, a simple photo as overall proof of the collision will likely be just fine.
#3 – Write Down Details Immediately
It is most important you and your car are out of the flow of traffic and safe on the side of the road. Then, write down everything you remember about the accident, as details and memories start to fade as time goes on.
#4 – Approach Any Witnesses
If any bystanders stop, ask if you can have their contact information and names. Having witnesses to support your story are very valuable.
#5 – Review Your Insurance Even if you have medical coverage you may have to foot the bill for copays and deductibles.
We want you to be fully prepared when it comes to having support in case of a serious event, such as a car accident. In the event that you need legal advice, do not hesitate to contact a car accident lawyer Dekalb County GA or locals, to assist you with your case.
Thank you to Andrew R. Lynch, P.C Attorney at Law for providing their insight on car accident injuries and authoring this piece.