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Medical Negligence During Childbirth Can Result in Cerebral Palsy and Other Disabilities

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    Medical Malpractice Lawyers in DC Discuss

    Washington DC Medical Malpractice LawyerAt Cohen & Cohen, we understand that a momentary lapse in judgment by your physician can result in a lifetime of difficulties and disabilities. If your child has cerebral palsy in the DC area, it may be as a result of medical negligence. Our attorneys can help you determine if your doctor may be at fault and can help you pursue a claim to receive compensation. Cerebral palsy is the result of damage or abnormalities of the areas of the brain that affect motor control and movement. CP can be caused by problems during childbirth that result in a lack of oxygen to the baby.

    Infants with CP will likely struggle to reach typical milestones. They may have a difficult time learning to roll over, sit, stand, and walk, and may require lifelong assistance with these skills. In addition, some people with cerebral palsy have problems with thinking and reasoning. As a result of these disabilities, many people with CP require a lifetime a medical care, therapies, and assistance. There is no cure for cerebral palsy, and often medications and surgeries are required to help manage motor difficulties.

    Although there are a variety of causes of CP, one of the major contributors is a lack of oxygen during childbirth. Often this is the result of a physician failing to perform a timely cesarean section during a difficult delivery. Sometimes it is due to misuse of vacuum extraction devices or forceps or a failure to correctly judge the size of the baby. These mistakes take just moments to make, but can have a lifetime of implications for your family.

    Sometimes the cause of cerebral palsy is clear, such as when the brain has a defect or lesions. Other times the cause may not be certain. Childbirth is often a chaotic experience, and you may be unaware that your infant has experienced trauma that can lead to disabilities. If your child has cerebral palsy, medical negligence may be the cause.

    Individuals with cerebral palsy face many difficulties. Obviously they will deal with physical challenges throughout their life. In addition, they may face cognitive disabilities. Bills for medical expenses, therapies, and treatments will be ongoing. A financial settlement can provide for these expenses and also allow for top-notch care.

    Contact Our Medical Mistake Attorneys in Washington DC Today

    If your child has cerebral palsy as the result of a traumatic birth, medical personnel may be to blame. Contact the knowledgeable attorneys at Cohen & Cohen to help your family receive compensation for a lifetime of challenges.

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